Clean Every Surface in Your Kitchen
Step 1 – Manual Dish Washing Liquids:
Before attempting to clean the actual kitchen and appliances, it’s best to clear your kitchen of any dishes, pots, and pans that may be cluttering the area. No matter the size of your school’s kitchen, we all know that buildup on your pots, pans, and dishes can be a tiresome chore that eventually leaves a mountain of dishes piling up out of your sink. Thankfully, this tedious step gets a little easier with Theochem Labs’ high-performing dishwashing liquid, Blue Max! See below for specific product information on Blue Max and what makes it the top pick for those dirty pots and pans.
· Blue Max: Our Blue Max dishwashing liquid is specifically formulated for the manual washing of pots and pans. This product is excellent on dishes, glasses, and cooking utensils. Concentrated with a high foaming blend of synthetic detergent, Blue Max is the clear choice in helping you eliminate those pesky dishes!
Step 2 – Sanitizers:
Now that your dishes, pots, pans, and utensils have been taken care of, your kitchen area should be clear and ready to be sanitized. It goes without saying that sanitizing your kitchen is imperative to safety due to cross-contamination such as food-to-food, people-to-food, and equipment-to-food that can form in the kitchen, which can lead to food-borne illnesses. As dangerous as this sounds have no fear! Theochem Labs has a dynamic tag team that eliminates any potential threat that can threaten the integrity of your business and kitchen.
· Food Contact Surface Sanitizer: This ready-to-use sanitizer is formulated to aid in the reduction of cross-contamination on all nonporous food contact surfaces. Recommended for use as a sanitizer on dishes and glassware. Food Contact Surface Sanitizer is also EPA registered.
· Multicide: Our second sanitizer is a 10% quaternary disinfectant and a no-rinse sanitizer. Multicide can be used as a third sink sanitizer and on all food processing equipment, dairy equipment, food utensils, tableware, countertops, and other non-porous surfaces.
Step 3 – Oven, Grill & Fryer Cleaners:
As we approach the halfway point in our kitchen cleaning and sanitizing process, we now focus on your back-of-house appliances in the kitchen. Getting into these nooks and crannies can make deep cleaning harder than it should be. Once again, Theochem Labs is up for the challenge and below, you’ll see our worthy contender that is ready to attack heavy grease and baked food so your kitchen appliances are optimally clean.
· Magic Oven: This heavy-duty oven and grill cleaner is designed to quickly penetrate and liquefy the toughest baked-on foods, carbon deposits, and grease left behind in your oven. Magic Oven is ready-to-use and will have your oven performing like it’s brand new again!
Step 4 – Floor:
You can see by now that we are almost working from top to bottom and are now ready to move on to the kitchen floor. After all the grease, oil, food, and other matter have been cleaned and by now made it to the floor, it’s time to get to work. Theochem Labs offers a great cleaner designed to get those floors spotlessly clean. See below for our recommendation for getting those floors spick and span!
· Active-Ate: This bio-enzymatic liquid concentrate is designed to clean and degrade organic material composed of grease, fats, proteins, starch, and sugars that build upon floor surfaces over time. Active-Ate is the best floor cleaner for kitchens, period!

Step 5 – Drain:
The last stop for the 5-Step Process for cleaning and sanitizing your kitchen is focusing on your drains. When you’ve cleaned every surface of your kitchen and there’s nowhere else for it to go, just remember that all that grime and gunk literally goes down the drain. With that in mind, we present two solid solutions for the food professional in mind so that cleaning those drains is not a pain.
· Active-Ate: I know what you’re thinking; didn’t Active-Ate already make an appearance earlier on this list? Well, you’d be right. The beauty in Active-Ate is that after you’ve cleaned your floors and all that mess makes its way into your drains, the enzymes created from this product dissolve the buildup that would be stuck in those drains to ensure your drains are free-flowing.
· Fumeless: This heavy-duty liquid alkaline drain opener can be used in a multitude of settings such as restroom sinks, kitchen sinks, grease traps, baths, and showers. Fumeless instantly begins dissolving fats, grease, oil, soap scum build-up, and other organic blockages. Fumeless performs best in foodservice drain applications and can be used in PVC or metal pipes. Can safely be used in drains connected to septic systems when used as directed.
Now that we’ve outlined the proper order of cleaning, sanitizing, and revitalizing your school’s kitchen, you’re all set for success! You now have the knowledge of which types of non-service cleaning products to use as well as the best order in which to develop your kitchen cleaning strategy to stay on top of your school’s kitchen cleanliness. With proper cleaning and sanitizing, you’re ensuring a safe and clean environment for both students and faculty alike. Thank you for taking the time to educate yourself on proper kitchen cleaning maintenance, stay safe and clean wisely!